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PRP Facial Treatment: The Miracle of Platelet-Rich Plasma Serum for Facial Skin

Author: Nulook Expertise

Want to have beautiful skin and avoid wrinkles? PRP facial treatment could be the answer you're looking for. Through the use of advanced technology and natural materials derived from your own body, PRP facial treatment effectively addresses issues like acne scars and sagging skin. Want to know more about PRP treatment? Read on to learn about its definition, benefits, side effects, and how it works.


What Is PRP Facial Treatment?


PRP facial treatment, or Platelet Rich Plasma, is a procedure that involves taking a small amount of blood from the body, usually from the arm, which is then processed using a special tool to separate the plasma with a high number of platelets. These platelets are used because they typically contain growth factors and proteins that are important for tissue repair and skin rejuvenation.


The enriched plasma is then applied back to the face through a series of techniques, such as being injected directly into the skin. Generally, skin conditions suitable for PRP treatment include issues like wrinkles, sagging skin, folds or depressions on the face, acne scars, and uneven skin tone. So, if you have any of these issues, PRP could be a suitable treatment option.


One of the main advantages of PRP treatment is that it uses natural materials from the body, so the risk of allergies or other negative reactions is generally very low. Additionally, because of the growth factors contained in the plasma, this treatment helps stimulate collagen production, which is important for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness.


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Benefits of PRP Facial Treatment


This PRP plasma treatment is quite popular. Undoubtedly, this treatment can provide many benefits. To learn more, see the information below:


1. Reducing Wrinkles


PRP Facial Treatment can effectively reduce the appearance of wrinkles that occur due to the aging process. Through the use of platelet-rich plasma containing growth factors, this procedure stimulates collagen and elastin production in the skin to help smooth fine lines and wrinkles.


2. Tightening Sagging Skin


The collagen stimulation process caused by growth factors in the plasma helps strengthen and tighten skin tissues, so this PRP facial treatment will provide a tighter and younger appearance.


3. Eliminating Folds or Depressions on the Face


This treatment is also quite effective in dealing with folds or depressions that may appear on the face, such as smile lines or hollows under the eyes. This is because the invasive plasma procedure can improve skin volume and elasticity. The results will be more even and dimensional.


4. Reducing Acne Scars


Having problems with stubborn acne scars? Don't worry, this can also be addressed with PRP facial treatment. The growth factors in the plasma essentially help accelerate skin healing, reduce inflammation, and reduce the appearance of scars caused by previous acne.


5. Improving Skin Tone


This treatment also has the potential to improve uneven or dull skin tone. Through the process of skin cell regeneration, PRP facial treatment helps improve skin texture and give a healthier and brighter appearance.


6. Making Facial Skin Smoother


Last but not least, the PRP procedure can make your facial skin feel smoother and softer by stimulating collagen and elastin production. This treatment will provide a comprehensive regenerative effect on the skin to make it smoother and appear brighter.


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Side Effects of PRP Facial Treatment


Interested in trying this treatment? Don't forget, Beauties need to know various side effects that arise from PRP facial treatment. Not to be missed, Nulook will also share information on the side effects of PRP treatment below:


1. Facial Redness


After the procedure, you may experience redness on the facial skin. This is common and usually subsides within a few hours to a few days after treatment. This redness is caused by the skin's reaction to the introduction of platelet-rich plasma.


2. Bruising


Some people may experience bruising in the treated area. Bruising usually occurs due to the blood collection process or plasma application technique. Although it may look disturbing, it usually disappears within a few days.


3. Burning Sensation


The third effect is a burning sensation on the face. This effect is usually a normal response of the skin to the treatment that has just been done. However, if this sensation lasts long or becomes uncomfortable, it is advisable to consult with a skincare professional.


4. Itching


As the skin begins to recover after treatment, Beauties may experience itching. This itching is generally a sign that the skin is in the process of healing. There's no need to panic and avoid scratching your face too hard as it can cause injury. It's better to compress the itchy areas of your face with cold water to relieve the itch.


5. Swelling


Mild swelling in the treated area can also occur after treatment. This reaction is the body's natural response to the procedure and usually subsides quickly. However, if the swelling lasts a long time or becomes very painful, immediately contact a specialist doctor and consult further.


6. Dry Skin


Some people may experience dry skin after undergoing PRP. This can happen due to the use of chemical products during the treatment procedure or as a skin reaction to the manipulation done. It's important to stay hydrated and use a suitable moisturizer to help overcome this dry skin.


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How PRP Facial Treatment Works


The way this treatment works can vary depending on the patient's preferences and the doctor performing the procedure. Generally, there are two main options for getting PRP facial treatment.


The first option is to inject plasma into the patient's face. After blood is taken from the patient, the plasma is separated through a process called centrifugation. Then, this plasma is injected into the face with the microneedling procedure.


This procedure involves using a special tool with small needles to make small holes in the skin's surface. The goal is to create small pathways in the skin so that the plasma can penetrate deeper and provide its benefits.


In addition, the second option is known as a "vampire facial." In this procedure, prepared plasma will be injected directly into the patient's facial skin, similar to filler injection techniques. The injection process aims to target skin problems from within, while also providing benefits to the outermost skin layer.


Both of these options have their own advantages and disadvantages. Topical application of plasma with microneedling can provide more even and natural results because it stimulates collagen throughout the face. However, this procedure may require a slightly longer recovery time due to the side effects of redness and swelling that may occur.


On the other hand, vampire facial with direct plasma injection can provide faster visible results because it directly targets skin problems. However, the risk of swelling or bruising in the injected area is greater, so it needs to be considered.


With so many benefits offered by PRP facial treatment, it's no wonder that more and more people are interested in trying it. From reducing wrinkles to improving skin elasticity, this treatment has been proven effective for many individuals who want to keep their skin healthy and youthful.


However, for those looking for another solution using boosters in the body to rejuvenate the skin and address signs of aging, the SVF Stem Cell Bali Treatment from Nulook could be an interesting choice. This treatment is designed to eliminate excess fat that is not needed by the body and converted into the highest booster that functions as an anti-aging agent.


Through the combination of the latest technology and experienced doctors, this treatment not only addresses signs of aging but also provides satisfying and sustainable results.


So, if Beauties want to experience the extraordinary benefits of effective Korean-style facial treatments with various advantages, go get your appointment with our professional team and don't hesitate to contact Nulook at the following WhatsApp number. Get healthy skin free from signs of aging for maximum appearance.




  • Xiao, H., Xu, D., Mao, R., Xiao, M., Fang, Y., & Liu, Y. (2021). Platelet-Rich Plasma in Facial Rejuvenation: A Systematic Appraisal of the Available Clinical Evidence. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology, 14, 1697–1724. 
  • Banihashemi, M., Zabolinejad, N., Salehi, M., Hamidi Alamdari, D., & Nakhaizadeh, S. (2021). Platelet-rich Plasma use for facial rejuvenation: a clinical trial and review of current literature. Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis, 92(2), e2021187. 


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